POA Success Stories
Jason has always been a patient of POA, due to a traumatic work injury in 2005, resulting in amputation of his right leg above the knee. When he left the hospital, the doctors didn’t feel that he would ever be a prosthetic candidate, because of skin grafts and a short residual limb.
He was a young father of two small children at the time and didn’t want to rely on crutches for the rest if his life. A chance encounter at a local pool led him to meeting the owner of POA, Tom Passero changed that prediction. Jason was fit successfully with a custom liner, pin-lock suspension socket, and one of the first microprocessors available on the US market.
Over the years, he has happily trialed the newest and latest socket designs and prosthetic knee technology as it becomes available in order to provide POA and their patients with his personal experience.
Jason loves being outdoors, whether it’s to fish or take a long bike ride on Ulster County’s numerous rail trails and doesn’t want his limb loss to hold him back. Thankfully, our skilled clinical staff have been there to help him reach his goals.

He is currently utilizing OttoBock’s waterproof X3 microprocessor knee and Ossur Pro-Flex foot. He no longer fears being around water as he loves to swim and enjoys traveling to anywhere that has a beach!
What draws him most to the newer technology is that he is mechanically inclined and is fascinated by how things work. He enjoys drawing, wood carving, metalworking, and basically anything he can create with his hands.