Team Member

Portrait Prosthetist Orthotist

Chris Fink


Chris was born and raised in Michigan. His childhood interest in science, math, music, art, exercise and sports, led him to pursue a career that could combine his artistic and science skills. While he originally thought he wanted to be a doctor or work with Olympic level athletes, his interest in prosthetics and orthotics was piqued following a college recruiting trip.

Chris completed his undergraduate degree in Exercise and Sport Science at Ithaca College where he not only developed a love for all things Upstate NY, but also for helping people achieve their goals by looking at all aspects of their health. He received a minor in Nutrition and a specialty in Biomechanics.  This multifaceted knowledge base served him well at Georgia Institute of Technology where he obtained his Master’s degree in Prosthetics and Orthotics.

Chris completed his residencies at Atlanta Prosthetics and Orthotics where he gained experience treating a wide variety of pediatric and adult conditions in both prosthetics and orthotics. It is during this time that his passion for upper limb prosthetics started. Chris went on to manage the Hanger Clinic in Atlanta, where he continued to grow his skills in all types of upper and lower limb prosthetics. He fostered relationships with many of the surrounding Universities and taught in the Physical and Occupational Therapy programs as well as at his Alma Mater Georgia Tech. These teaching experiences led him to become part of the faculty at Georgia Tech, where he taught multiple courses including Upper Limb Prosthetics. Through these connections at Georgia Tech, he gained employment at Fillauer in Chattanooga, TN as a CPO on their Patient Care team, working with complex lower and upper limb prosthetic patients.  He also worked with the Fillauer Research and Development team on upcoming technologies in prosthetics and continued to teach in local Universities in the Physical and Occupational Therapy Programs.

Chris joined Prosthetic & Orthotic Associates and Handspring Clinical Services in the Fall of 2020. He looks forward to helping those who use upper and lower limb prostheses to achieve their best possible outcomes and not feel limited by their limb difference.

Outside of work, Chris enjoys spending time with his wife, daughters, and 3-legged dog. In his spare-time he enjoys golfing, hiking, traveling, trying new foods, and cooking.